Adding a video without using Ken Importer

Home Forums Webmaster Discussion Adding a video without using Ken Importer

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  • #6719 Reply

    Hello Mr. Adult Affiliate

    I found a very good video on PornHub, but the title is written in Korean.
    I tried using the Ken Importer to add it, but I think the Korean characters aren’t working on the search field.

    How can we add videos to a site running zingtube just by using the embed code found on Pornhub?

    Kind regards,

    #6723 Reply

    I am not using their themes anymore, but as far as I remember there was a custom field for the embed video codes in the post section, somewhere down below but if you are using the latest version of WordPress with the new Gutenberg editor, you might not see them at all. Can you just place that code in the post area?

    #6786 Reply
    Simon @ WPAdult

    Embed codes can be placed directly in the post editor like Mr Adult Affiliate says. If you need to access custom fields with the Gutenberg editor enabled, you will have to activate them in the screen options:

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