Adult Sponsor Wish List

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  • #2108 Reply

    You know, its been interesting to note that we’ve had a ton of threads, where adult affiliates (and sponsors) have made up wish lists, of what they would like to see Sponsors do, and or provide to help market their sites.

    And yet, there haven’t been any similar threads, of Sponsors saying what they’d like to see Affiliates do more of ( well other than make more sales ) which got me wondering.

    Is there anything Sponsors would like to see Affiliates do more of, or less of, to help make their job a bit easier too?

    #2109 Reply

    I’m not sure what sponsors could expect from affiliates except to promote them according to their T&C and try to plaster their banners, galleries across the web…


    #2110 Reply

    Neither am I, but not being a sponsor, who knows but them? Maybe they have some issues or notice some things, that they wish we’d do differently, or better, or less of.

    #2111 Reply

    Ok I’ll bite…

    Contact Info: Keep your contact info up to date.

    Special Requests: If you make special requests for odd size banners or a certain bitrate/size for trailers, please use them.

    Have Realistic Expectations: Some affiliates might have the kind of traffic where they’ll throw up promo material and immediately make a dozen sales or more a day. However, this is not likely in most cases. Promo at least a few updates, or even half a dozen, and you’ll likely start to see sales come in.

    Flexibility: Don’t be afraid to crop/resize images to your needs. Being provided tiny images is certainly not useful for the affiliate but I’ve never understood complaints about images being too large or different sizes.

    Use Judgement: Take time to select only those images that will work with your traffic/theme. Don’t use each and every image provided. Pick only the ones that are best for you and leave the surfer wanting more. This will also ensure your posts are not identical to every other affiliate update.

    That’s a few off the top of my head. I’m others will have different items.

    #2112 Reply

    Totally agree with Seth
    Contact info is so important am tired of having affiliate emails bounce back because mailbox is full or no such person and so on
    as an affiliate rep i try to keep all updated with the latest information
    Also check your spam filters
    just my take

    #2113 Reply

    Having just recently become a sponsor in the adult market I can certainly concur with everything Seth mentioned. And I’ve only got 18 affiliates so far.

    #2114 Reply

    Seth summed it up nicely.

    However I have had a few complaints that our images are too large, which I of course have taken on board and had slightly down sized in future updates.

    Things I will add:
    – when contacting support, not supplying affiliate ID, especialy when my search by email or name turns up with no results
    – thinking it un-fair for not allowing you to log in straight after signing up and having to go through the approval process of letting me know your promotional methods and sites our content will feature on.
    – Contact info is a big one, as Seth mentioned.
    – chat traffic

    ….just to add a few.

    #2115 Reply

    I wished all adult sponsors would start sending out video trailers in only Mp4 format. From there any tube script can convert it to FLV if they wish, but why continue to force affiliates who are “with it” (iPad, iPhone compatibility) to convert videos into Mp4 format?

    #2116 Reply

    This thread is about what sponsors would like to see from affiliates, not the other way around. Please don’t try to hijack the thread.

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