Any alternative to RoboScritpts WP Plugin?

Home Forums Newbie Helpdesk Any alternative to RoboScritpts WP Plugin?

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  • #11734 Reply

    I’ve read your article about starting a live cam site and wanted to purchase RoboScripts as recommended, but their website is down and it seems it has been down during the last few months according to what I read, so unfortunately it seems they are not coming soon.

    Anybody knows an alternative that does the same job as RoboScripts at the same range of price?

    Thank you

    #11782 Reply

    There have been a few other WordPress plugins to create adult cam sites but they vanished as well since the script needs to be constantly updated. I am going to post about a new script if I find one 🙂

    #11822 Reply

    I want to open an account on xxxvideos side so I can made money just to help my self

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