Adult banner discussion: Static vs. Animated

Home Forums Webmaster Discussion Adult banner discussion: Static vs. Animated

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  • #7612 Reply
    Skinny B

    Hello Mr. Adult Affiliate

    In your experience, between adult static and animated banners, does one have a better click through rate than the other?
    What are the pros and cons, if any, of using one vs. the other?

    Thank you for your time.

    Best regards,
    Skinny B

    #7614 Reply

    To be honest there is no general rule to that. On some of my adult sites, I use the animated banners or on others the static ones and it just boils down to what works better for your audience and you can learn it through testing.

    Here are some advantages of the still ads:

    Low file size
    They do not require any plugins for the users to view them
    They are not as annoying as the animated ones
    Static banners work on mobile devices

    And some disadvantages:

    They are not as eye catching
    Static banners are not interactive

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