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GuestI am wanting to know what you guys are using to determine a site’s ranking, how it compares to similar sites, its importance, etc.
Is Alexa still a good reference medium? I could be mistaken, but I seem to recall a conversation some time ago about the search engines and Alexa and many of you were saying you weren’t using it anymore.
GuestIMHO, Alexa is still as good as it always was. Which means when comparing two sites with similar audiences (an important caveat) it’s…
great <10,000
good 10,000-100,000
OK 100,000-300,000±
not-so-great 300,000-1,000,000
completely useless >1,000,000That said as a rough estimate it’s great at all levels. There’s no such thing as an important site that’s got a ranking >1 million. It’s just you can’t say a the 3 million site is any worse than the 1 million site.
A while back I actually paid for Alexa on my three significant sites which allowed me to put a tracking code on my site so they saw my real traffic. That improved my ranking substantially. You’d think they’d want that data for everyone so they can get their rankings right. But even though I kept the code on my site after I stopped paying, they apparently stopped paying attention to the data I was sending.
GuestWell my thought on that is if they ignored you after you stopped paying, can we really say the results:
1. are accurate
2. not biasedJay
GuestNot quite. The way it’s supposed to work is they have a way (somehow) of telling what a site’s traffic is. I think they work with some of the major ISPs to see headers of requests, and stuff like that. That gives them the stats they use for all sites. Then paid customers get to show them actual traffic which is there to validate their sampled data. I’m guessing they’re just not feeding the actual back into the formula. In other words, they’re being lazy. And if a publisher can up their rankings by paying, then they’ll get more paid accounts. So it’s in their best interest to leave it broken. In mainstream it’s more of an issue because advertisers will pay based on Alexa rank. We don’t have that. VERY few adult sites are Alexa validated (I know, I’ve looked). So we have a fairly level playing field.
GuestI went ahead and installed a plugin called Page Rank (SEO Site Tools). When I go to a site I can click on an icon in my toolbar and it pops up a small box with various data. Now at first it looked like every porn site I visited had a N/A in the Alexa box. But if I then clicked on the Alexa bar next to the N/A, it opens a page on Alexa and that page gave me the ranking data. For instance, this is one for Mradultaffiliate.com, but to just use the plugin popup, it showed N/A.
I’m curious if you used a similiar plugin or did you use the actual Alexa site to lookup ranking data?
GuestI just go straight to the site http:// alexa.com/siteinfo/somedomain.tld It’s quick and easy.
GuestI use SEOquake for that
its just a banner at the top of my browser for every site i go to