I’ve seen a lot of website with this theme can you help me find a WP version of it or any type of version that the site Tastyblacks.com is using? i would greatly appreciate it!
It looks like it is using the custom theme and I do not know any WordPress theme like that but I will look around and see if there are any non WP ones out there.
Okay thank you. I found out it was called an aggregator site. if you couldn’t find any similar themes. do you have anyone who could design a similar site that wouldn’t be so costly? i really wan’t to start this as my new project!
I do not any theme that looks like this and is for sale, sorry. As for the affordable adult design services, try these ones (I have not used them, but I have seen them post on other forums) mudpixel.com mud at mudpixel dot com or adultinnovation.com so you can ask them.
Okay so, basically i found someone to design the site, but i don’t know to implement the redirection to other sites manually or automatically like tastyblacks .com or like hqbutt .com. the person who designing it says that they use static nail clips. I’m not sure if he correct or not so i was wondering do you know how they do so? i was thinking it was a RSS or api feature through affiliate site but idk.