How To Make The KenPlayer Plugin Work

Home Forums Newbie Helpdesk How To Make The KenPlayer Plugin Work

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  • #7313 Reply

    Hola amigos

    Tengo un problema con el importador de Xvideos, queria saber si ustedes le pasa en este momento, el error es que al momento de importar los videos no muestra la imagene en miniatura y solo importa un solo video asi seleccione varios. Agradezco su ayuda.

    #7314 Reply

    Lo siento, pero ya no uso este plugin, así que no puedo ayudarte. Yo uso el de WP-Script and esto funciona bien. La próxima vez por favor escribe en inglés.

    #7339 Reply
    Tony Ford

    Hello, The kenplayer does not seem to work with pornhub at all. Can you please tell me what I may be doing wrong or if your player no longer supports pornhub videos?

    #7364 Reply

    I am not sure if it is still working. It is a hit and miss and the biggest tubes started putting the messages over the videos on websites that are using such plugins. You might uncheck all tubes (including the PornHub) in the KenPlayer settings but you should keep the transformation enabled and videos will load, but at least there will no pop ups.

    #8018 Reply
    phillipah JAMES

    Does the Ken player transformer still work????

    #8027 Reply

    It still works in the way that I described in my last reply 🙂

    #8346 Reply

    I want to purchase the kenplayer plugin how can I communicate with the owner. for guidelines

    #8347 Reply

    Does the kenplayer still embed videos from xvideos and porhub? bcos I want to purchase it.

    #8352 Reply

    I am not sure if it works with the PornHub but I use it does for the XVideos embeds.

    #8915 Reply

    What do you think is better Kenplayer or WPS player? What do you recommend to buy

Viewing 10 posts - 71 through 80 (of 95 total)
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