Please give honest review of my porn tube site

Home Forums Newbie Helpdesk Please give honest review of my porn tube site

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  • #3971 Reply
    Mike R

    I have been in the adult industry for almost 3 months now and I would like to hear your opinion on my porn site. My bounce rate is very low (~20%) which is significantly lower than my swf sites but I think there’s room for improvement. I decided to offer something that no one elsw is doing(live chat), please tell me what you think about it in your review. Is it a waste of space?

    #3979 Reply

    Your site does not look bad, but I would remove the footer ad and move the site description “Best Homemade Amateur Porn on the Internet” to your sidebar or somewhere else, because it does not look good there right now – there is too much empty space.

    I see you are not embedding videos from the other sites or am I wrong? I think you are using the Google drive to host videos? If yes then be careful because they can ban your entire account if they discover that you use their servers for adult sites.

    Some of your tags are duplicated and it does not make sense to create similar tags like amateur porn and amateur or homemade, because they all mean basically the same thing and you should only use the one of them, otherwise Google may lower your rankings due to the duplicate content.

    #3986 Reply
    Mike R

    Thanks for your review…
    • I agree with the wastage of space and I will move the site description or try to make to spread out across the page. I also cannot remove that ad now because I sold that spot on juicy, so might as well keep it if it’s generating revenue.

    •I started out using google drive but I made the switch to self hosting when I made a profit…I want to take out all the gdrive videos but its over 100 and that’s a lot of manual work. So I will make the old videos stay on gdrive. I use highwinds and DO now

    •Those extra tags came from grabbing a few videos from pornhub, I will remove them asap…

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