Porn uploading method dead?

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  • #7328 Reply

    After couple of years yesterday I started porn uploading method again.As usually I use xvideos xhamster,pornhub,redtube and youporn for the work.
    I download homemade webcam videos and add simple white text as a watermark on the right side corner.also I put my domain name on titles.I upload 5 videos to xvideos yesterday and I saw today they backlist my account.As I see now xvideos have better eyes about what we are doing xD.
    Also pornhub,redtube and youporn do not allow me to put domain name on titles.
    I think we need to find another way to do this.
    Any idea or suggestions?
    Thanks 🙂

    #7330 Reply

    For sure it isn’t as easy as it used to be. Like ten years ago it was a wild west and you could do thousands of dollars every month because tubes didn’t have uploading restrictions as they have now. Also, it’s definitely more crowded, since it’s very cheap to start out or even free and there’re many threads on the bhw about this method, so almost every new affiliate tries it.

    I stopped doing it three years ago, when I started making some good money from my adult sites and it definitely a way more stable income but I think that tube uploading can still be profitable, if you apply some creativity and don’t just do what others are doing, so it isn’t dead, but much harder for an average person to earn a living from it.

    #7331 Reply

    I am just doing this to earn couple of dollars.Yeah adult sites are the best option amoung these as you told.I had few site with passive income but I get fucked up because of using black hat methods.So I need to start adult sites again.I learned my lesson xd.Now I am doing this to earn few bucks to start adult tubes.

    #11729 Reply
    Dobby Sen

    in 2018 and 2019 I also tried the re-uploading method and successfully made thousands of dollars but after sometime
    Xvid started ghosting accounts account was active I was able to upload videos but no one can see expect just a few numbers
    so t decided to quit that and start focusing on SEO because it’s only a gold mine that can never end
    and now i am making good

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