RetroTube – how to add text/links to category pages

Home Forums Webmaster Discussion RetroTube – how to add text/links to category pages

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Uncle Ernie.
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  • #8137 Reply

    Hello everyone. On my website I have a camgirls category that displays videos of various camgirls found on PH, xvideos etc. I would like to add text and a link to be displayed above the videos on that page but I can’t work out how. Does anyone know how it can be done?

    #8138 Reply

    There is no way to add any ads above the videos unless you change the theme code manually. But there are many places where you can insert your links and you can do it easily by going to Theme Setting and then choose Advertising.

    #8139 Reply

    It’s not an advert I’m trying to post. I have a camgirl video category and a live cam page. I wanted to post “Are you looking for Live Cam Girls?” above the videos which linked to the live cam page.

    #8172 Reply

    Are you talking about this page It looks like that you have found out the way to do this.

    #8175 Reply

    Yes. I want to link to that page from the cam girls category page. Something along the lines of “why watch videos when you could be watching <link>live cams</link>”

    #8224 Reply
    Uncle Ernie

    Not having seen the page, I’ll guess this text is to be on the standard RetroTube Categories page?

    It’s quite difficult to insert a piece of text accurately on that page, but you can make use of the text allowed in Videos -> Video categories.

    With some SEO plugins (Yoast) and themes, you can edit that description to include HTML. In ‘All In One SEO’, or the standard RetroTube theme, you can’t, so you’ll have to use a plugin like ‘Visual Term Description Editor’ to get the link formatted correctly.

    I’ll include both the HTML and text to insert as I’m not sure how this editor will treat HTML:

    <p>why watch videos when you could be watching <a href=""> live cams</a></p>
    <p>why watch videos when you could be watching < a href="your yourlink/"> live cams</p>

    Or you could put that in a text box on the side bar.

    You can use a text box to include dynamic links to advertising or your own links, much easier directly on the home and video pages, footer and side bars, where you have a lot more play to include whatever you want.

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