Review Question…

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  • #3266 Reply

    Can you sometimes get too good of a review?

    Here is my “reasoning”. The one paysite is rated #4 out of 1361 adult sites. But, they are all in one category. So when a surfer visits they see page one. But there is still “so much to explore”. So do surfers many times start surfing pages that have sites with lesser rated reviews just out of curiosity and forget that the highest rated sites are on page #1?

    #3267 Reply

    There’s one to think about – and I’ll be sure and pay attention the next time I have a buddy surf a link list while I watch over his shoulder taking notes.

    (Yeah, I really do that a few times a year – you can get some great insites!)

    My [grown too damn big] gut tells me that a lot of folks will hit “farther down” the list to see what the reviewers are saying about sites that aren’t in the top rankings, as sort of a credibility check.

    Problem being, if there are TONS of reviews, like you say – they might get distracted by some other site before going back to the top rated ones.

    #3268 Reply

    some people will check out the “crappy” sites but if the review is warranted, they’ll come back because almost every one of the surfers will hit at least 1/2 of the top 10 sites and compare them with the sites listed in the 11-xx results.

    #3269 Reply

    I dont think a review can ever be too good….

    #3270 Reply

    Many quality review sites including TheBestPorn also have links to other review sites right on the review itself. So a reader sees their review and also the review scores and links of other review sites as well. It gives the site more credibility with the reader.

    #3271 Reply

    as far as things too close to the top, i noticed that the best-selling spot on google for me is generally the third – not the first and not lower down.

    i try to have at least one critical point for every site because it sells better than a 100% positive review. of course, all but 2 of the review sites i write for rely on bookmarkers rather than fresh traffic, so that may affect that.

    #3272 Reply

    yup same here. From what I’ve seen people almost always click the first/second results. Like a reflex. Then they come back and start heading down

    #3273 Reply

    we got more clicks but less sales on every google adwords campaign where we were listed first but not a tiny microniche. most sales on spot 3 or 2.

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