Seeking Advice On How To Improve

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  • #5090 Reply
    Uncle Ernie


    I’ve been reading this forum with interest for some time and MrAdultAffilate’s articles.

    I started an adult affiliate tube site in August 2017 and we’re past the first year mark now. Not in profit by any stretch, which is why I’m here, but we (me and my business partner who runs the site with me) have made some money.

    In the interests of honesty, here’s the figures for Aug-17 to Aug 2018:

    CCBill $41.67
    Adultfriend Finder $38.34
    Juicy Ads $29.50
    Hubtraffic $17.34
    Xhamster $15.34
    TOTAL $142.19

    That’s for the year, not a month.

    I have another non-adult review blog that’s just over two years old now and it makes several hundred £s a month for me. So I’m not a total novice at affiliate marketing, but can’t pretend to have given up the day-job and be living off my affiliate earnings, either.

    Our hosting is Hostgator Optimized WordPress. I chose Hostgator on the recommendation of another adult affiliate blog, and because they’re big, and adult site friendly. Also the WordPress management features of the package offered seemed good.

    After some research, and having taken note of mention in forum discussions, I decided to go with Wp-Script’s original theme, before moving to Retrotube on its release. I also utilise their plugin products: Mass Embedder, URL To Post and CleanTube.

    I appreciate this isn’t the recommended theme or products on this board, and I also appreciate for why, and have my own experiences with Wp-Script, but on the whole, I’m satisfied.

    Mainly because I think Retrotube is a nice looking theme, feature rich, and being fairly adept at CSS (and some PHP), I’ve been able to customise my site to create the look and elements I want.

    Of course that’s all cosmetic and the big element is traffic and making money. Which is why I’m here.

    The niche I chose is the “impregnation” role play/kink, which is a sub-niche of creampie, and so allows us to also fan out into that and associated categories such as pregnancy fetish etc. So while we have a focused niche which is reflected in the blog and headline videos and general comments of the site, we can still go broader and remain “on theme”.

    Re traffic, I was initially happy as site visits grew steadily from Aug-17 to March-18, wherein come March we were getting in the region of 16,000 visitors a month.

    If that had continued, we’d have been very happy.

    But traffic fell off a cliff in March of this year and we’re down to 2,000 visitors a month now… but slowly climbing again.

    There was a major Google algorithm update in March-18 which may have been what effected our numbers, and since then I’ve done an SEO audit and made some changes recently that I hope will have a positive effect. If it’s just that tube sites are being hammered as “thin content” then there may not be much to be done to counter that… but then surely everyone would be effected, and I’m not reading that on this forum.

    In that regard I utilise a blog to try and drive more traffic, and re our video posts, as advised here, we use unique titles and add a few lines in each description as well.

    I’ve recently disavowed some links pointing at us and reconfigured our SEO settings to no-index categories, tags etc. I’ve read differing theories on discussion sites, and I’m in the camp that a post-heavy site like a tube site, has a lot of potential for its content to be regarded as “duplicate” due to the volume of posts x (tags + categories). An online test I submitted the site to found 33% of the site to be considered duplicate, and that was against only a fraction of the total posts. I put that down to our extended tag cloud, so I’m giving this a try.

    Like all newbs, I maybe over advertised and subscribed the site to too many affiliates at first. I’ve cut down, and following the advice I’ve read on this board, we’re now only pushing Chaturbate and adult dating. We utilise JuicyAds for some advertising space, and of course our tube site is hooked into the relevant affiliate schemes so we get the return on viewing clicks etc.

    Re the blog, not everything is affiliate links, but a lot are, especially in the reviews. It’s not all affiliate marketing though as I say, a lot of it is (hopefully) for entertainment and additional traffic.

    I’ve recently signed up to CrakRevenue and looking forward to see what it has to offer. I will join other affiliate paying sites as I write reviews, and therein that will be the only place the affiliate links will generally be found. Except one, which we’ve had several sales with so I retained it, and it continues to be featured out with its review article, on the main site.

    We have a Twitter account with 193 Tweets & 254 followers at time of writing. More recently I created an account on XVideos. That’s the only social media and external presence we have.

    All comments and advice welcome.

    #5092 Reply

    The first thing that I noticed on your adult website is that there are way too many ads on it. You should not have more than three or maximum four of them. I would remove them from the footer all together and just keep the one below the video, on the header and maybe on the sidebar and if you do that, you might see your bounce rate and page views improve and this all will also (most likely) lead to increasing profits.

    Just do not promote one or two sponsors, just test them until you find the best converting one with your traffic.

    Also, keep adding new content and do not put the same few keywords in your titles and get some links from websites in your niche, you can either buy them or exchange them for free, you just have to find them and contact webmasters.

    #5100 Reply
    Uncle Ernie

    Thanks for taking the time to review our site, MrAdultAffiliate.

    I’ve wrestled with the question of “ad stuffing,” and if we were guilty of it?

    I’ve researched a lot of tube sites to see what other webmasters are doing, and from the sample I’ve seen, I didn’t think we were too guilty of over-egging our ad space? We don’t do the pop-unders and re-directs to new tabs etc that a lot sites (a lot bigger than us) do and I’ve seen right-handside menu bars with more placements than we’ve included… so I’ve worried on both sides of the fance: if I’m doing too much or too little.

    But after your comments I did do a little site redesign, specifically to the video post page, and placed one add further down, after the related vids, and increased the number of related vids as well, to add more “distance” between it and the ad before prior to alleviate the perception of too many ads (hopefully).

    Re our footer, I replaced one ad with a link to our Twitter feed, and left the others. Again, I thought we were pretty much in keeping with what’s to be seen elsewhere out there re footer use on tube sites. And again, we are less ad-stuffed in our footer than many a (larger) tube than us.

    But speaking of the footer, I know from my Pretty Links click report that it’s never been much of a producer – and wonder if others find the same thing, or if their footer fillers get good click throughs? Our header banner, however, that does report a lot of clicks.

    Re our bounce rate, GA reports we’re currently around 50%. I don’t know if that’s good or bad for a tube site as those stats are harder to come by for other sites. Average pages viewed is 6, and average time on site is around 5-6mins.

    Thanks for the reminder about links from other websites etc. I looked at that in the past, and noted a listing could be purchased from some tube directories etc. The only thing I worried about was the SEO factor of receiving links from adult sites that do nothing but that – link out for a price – and are known by Google as that being their only purpose.

    We’ve been engaging with some adult entertainers, trying to build a “relationship”, but while we try and rebuild our traffic it’s more of a one-sided relationship(!), but we’ve seen the spikes on Twitter and in our traffic when we get a mention or re-Tweet from the right person.

    Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to reply and your advice.

    For anyone else reading, the site we’re discussing is

    #5103 Reply

    Footer ads never get many clicks for a few reasons, so I would suggest removing the footer widgets and just leave the social media buttons. You should be testing different ad placements, reducing the number of ads to two or three and then see which strategy or which sponsor makes you more money and improves the user experience (the bounce rate, the average time on site and more) to get better results.

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