Should I Change My Adult Domain From Org To Com

Home Forums Newbie Helpdesk Should I Change My Adult Domain From Org To Com

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  • #3955 Reply

    Hello sir again

    I think you saw my post in gfy asking about review of my adult site and I saw lot of guys says change .org to .com 🙁 its bothering to me.Do you really need to change it? 🙁

    #3960 Reply

    To be honest, you can hear a lot of different feedback on GFY and most of them are from newbies (no disrespect to newcomers) and most of the guys there are very angry, so I would not completely believe in what they say.

    But coming back to your question, yes it is better to have a dot com domain, if it is available but dot org is not a bad extension, it is pretty popular so it is not a big deal in my opinion.

    By the way, please next time create some more clear titles for your topics.

    #3968 Reply
    Lakshan Sandeepa

    Thank you sir and sry for the title 🙂

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