Should we remove dead sites from our affiliate program?

Home Forums Webmaster Discussion Should we remove dead sites from our affiliate program?

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  • #5119 Reply

    I’d say combine all the content from the non-updating adult sites into one huge site with tons of content. Or put the content on a compatible site that is updating.

    Blog posts and tube videos are evergreen. So it’s good to have something to send traffic to when they see something they like. Shutting down the site means the traffic probably won’t go to one of your sites.

    #5120 Reply

    If you saw my list of dead/non-updating sites in the other post, it would be better for affiliates to direct those sites to one of the mega networks and might actually see better sales since there are sites in those networks updating weekly.

    #5121 Reply

    Just wanted to give you all a big thank you for your feedback and suggestions.

    I did decide to hide all the non updating sites from the affiliate program for new affiliates but all current affiliate links to the old sites will still work and will still be credited for all sales and rebills.

    We do currently have the two networks where we’ve combined the content and update it as people suggested, and those sites do convert very well. It is on our list to create new tours for those sites in the next year as well.

    In case anyone missed it, here is the email we sent out:

    After 15 years in business, we have decided to make a change to our affiliate program in order to improve your conversions and make sure that you are sending your hard earned traffic to our most profitable websites.

    We have removed certain sites from our affiliate program that are no longer updating. Don’t be worried about this change, if you still have any active members for these sites and/or linking codes you are using, they will still work and you will still be credited for all sales and rebills; however, we are hiding these sites from our affiliate program. If you currently have links to any of these sites, we’d recommend that you remove them and replace with our currently active and updating websites. If we are able to get any of these sites/studios updating again, we will promptly add them back into the program and make an announcement about it.

    If for some reason you would still like to promote any of these non updating websites and need a new linking code, please contact us and we can create a special linking code for you to use. However, we do urge everyone to promote our top converting websites that are still listed in the affiliate program which will result in better conversions and sales for you.

    Here’s the list of inactive sites that have been hidden from the program. Please note some of these are sites that were discontinued/hidden some time ago but just to make sure Webmasters missed any of those emails I’ve included them.

    We are sure you’ll see your conversions with us vastly improve by removing links to the older sites that no longer update and focusing your promotions on the featured sites in the link above.

    Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.

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