Hello all,
First of all big thanks to Mr Adult Affiliate for all the information you provide here in the forums and on your blog. This is pure gold for a newbie like me. I’m learning a lot here.
I am currently building a new adult tube framework for WordPress. It will be called WPAdult. Coding the mass video importer I’m currently wondering which tubes are the most important ones to be added first. Obviously I would like to add as many as possible. But in the first version I want to focus on the most relevant tubes.
Could you name your top 5 that are a must in such a software? Hubtraffic ones, xVideos, xHamster?
The same question would also be interesting for content sponsors. Which ones do you think have to be included first?
As I’ve been creating professional WordPress themes for more than a decade I’m an expert in that, but a total newbie in the adult industry, I would be grateful for some advice.