Stats Don’t Match

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  • #2783 Reply

    My wordpress stats and google analytics don’t match up on my adult blog. I didn’t think they would be exact, but wordpress says I had about 500 more visitors than google.

    Is this common?

    #2784 Reply

    yep. Out of curiousity, I had added 4 stat programs to one blog, that also had GA. Wide range in every single one of them. None of them seemed close to the other, which is one reason, I am not a stats a holic anymore. I am 2 years now being Stats Clean, I think I get a party with cake, and some ribbon, but not sure. whistle

    #2785 Reply

    Comparing stats will certainly make one stat clean.

    The latest silliness – my word press stats say that over the past three days my traffic has gone down. Google says my traffic has increased.

    You think it would be easier to capture this info.

    #2787 Reply

    Wordpress stats shows page views, not visitors, as far as I know…

    #2788 Reply

    Install some more stats and compare those results.

    #2789 Reply

    If you get much Google Images traffic Google Analytics will pretty severely underreport it since GA doesn’t count GI until after the person breaks out of the frameset and then if they don’t do it “right” it can be counted as a direct hit, not a referral…

    Not knowing anything about the WordPress stats I’d expect them to be more like log-based stats. Javascript-based stats are inherently different. Each measures something different and has it’s place…

    But no two stats packages ever agree – that’s normal and shouldn’t be alarming. Just compare apples to apples and understand why each is different.

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