Stop Autoplay For Adult Embedded Videos

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  • #1301 Reply

    Hi does anyone know if there is any code I can add to an adult embedded video.

    With some sponsors they provide embedded videos to promote a scene. However some them are on autoplay, meaning they play automatically .

    Does anyone have a solution, so that these videos won’t be on autoplay?

    #1302 Reply

    If the code has query string in the video URL, its typically


    If its flowplayer:

    autoPlay: false

    If its a different player, just look the player up and see what its autoplay option is.

    Or, post an example embed code here and I’ll tell you how to fix it.

    Also, rarely, some iframe embed codes you cannot stop… but hopefully no one is still putting that stuff out… and if they are, you shouldn’t promote them because they can change that to anything.

    #1303 Reply

    Thanks Britton

    Here is an example of the embedded code

    <iframe src="httx:// 0.mp4?link=httx://" width="854" height="480" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

    #1304 Reply

    Yeah, sorry– its an iframe You’ll have to email their support and ask if they’ve programmed a querystring field-value pair for autoplay.

    Alternatively, you can test to see if the junk iframe is even required by trying to place their video and affiliate urls into your own player. If iframe isn’t forced by their CDN then this would be the way to go.


    <a href="httx://">
    <video width="320" height="240" controls>
        <source src="httx://" type="video/mp4">
    #1305 Reply

    Also, you can add a poster like so if you use the HTML5 player simple example I included…

    <video poster="URL-TO-VIDEO-POSTER" controls>

    But you may wanna use your own player with a Flash Fallback instead of HTML5 player since prob only gives you the MP4.

    #1306 Reply

    Yeah I tried the code above Britton and it didn’t work. Thanks for trying, much appreciated. If I have to choose between a video that autoplays or no video, I’d rather have no video.

    Thanks again! HUGS

    #1307 Reply

    Odd, it worked for me… so I think they will let you use your own player…

    Make sure you aren’t copying and pasting the URLs from the forums. To prevent large lines making divs scroll, these forums insert breaking spaces into large strings.

    #1308 Reply

    Well thanks anyways for your help. Much appreciated!

    #1310 Reply

    Chris_l’s example is sound, just take out the ref link:

    <video width="320" height="240" controls>
    <source src="httx:// 0.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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