Tag line duplicated

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  • #6427 Reply

    Hi, Mr. Adult Affilaite!

    Do you have any idea how to fix the text from the tag line in wordpress? It appears twice when the mouse cursor is moved on the tab in the browser, and I am afraid it may hurt search engine rankings in the future, as it may be considered duplicated text. And the text is definitely written only once in SETTINGS/GENERAL/TAGLINE.

    #6433 Reply

    There is a quick fix for that. You need to open up your header.php file and look for this line: <?php wp_title('-', true, 'right'); bloginfo('name'); ?> or something similar and try to replace it with this:

    <?php wp_title('-', true, 'right'); ?>

    #6461 Reply


    The lines you wrote are not visible. All I see is this:

    ‘There is a quick fix for that. You need to open up your header.php file and look for this line: or something similar and try to replace it with this:’

    #6465 Reply

    It is not visible for some reason, I will try to find out why, but in the meantime, I will send you the email message with the lines.

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