Traffic Volume – When to upgrade your hosting?

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  • #7375 Reply

    Question for the experienced webmasters

    How much daily traffic can the following set up handle before you would upgrade to a VPS and then a Dedicated Server.

    I started my tube site with the WP-Script Theme

    Current set up is:

    TMD Hosting Business Cloud + Cloudflare

    On average I am getting about 500 to 700 visitors per day to my tube site.

    #7376 Reply

    I can tell you that, since it depends if you host videos or embed them, if you have got a lot of posts with images or not and et cetera, but if you just embed them and use caching plugins and CloudFlare, your current plan can handle a lot of traffic so do not worry about it ๐Ÿ™‚

    #7381 Reply

    Thanks for the quick reply Mr. Adult Affiliate…
    All the videos are currently embed…

    #7385 Reply

    Ok, so it will take some time before you will need to upgrade. You could use caching plugins if you do not do this and it will help you to speed up your stuff and lower your hosting bills. The ones I recommend and use are: WPSuperCache or W3TotalCache ๐Ÿ™‚

    #7394 Reply

    Thanks Bro,

    You’re really helpful & I appreciate it…
    I’m currently using W3TotalCache…

    Also, can you give me a quick review of my tube site…

    Give me the Good, Bad & Ugly… ๐Ÿ™‚

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