Where to get content

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  • #3689 Reply

    I’m starting on my first site – this one is a niche tube site. I was wondering the best way to get content for this blog? Is there a marketplace for tube content? I also have downloaded clips from other sites, can I post these on my site? I already have setup a contact page for requests to take down clips.


    #3697 Reply

    I would not recommend downloading videos from the other adult tube sites, because in most of the cases it is an illegal thing to do. I think that you should sign up with the sponsors in your niche and then ask them about some trailer videos which you can use on your site.

    You can also get some content from content producers. You may purchase some non-exclusive content for a very affordable price. I suggest you to get an adult tube theme from xwpthemes.com and embed legal clips from the most popular sites for free.

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