Xvideos and WPS issue

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  • #7841 Reply

    Hi, Mister Adult Affiliate!

    I have just noticed that the clips embedded from xvideos play only in very low quality, like 240 pixels or so, if the transformer is check. And the option to change resolution is not appearing anymore on the player. The transformer worked fine, until now. If I want the embedded videos to play in good resolution I have to uncheck the transformer and use xvideos player, which displays their watermark in the upper left-hand side corner. Do you experience the same issue with xvideos and the transformer?

    #7845 Reply

    Are you talking about the KenPlayer? Yes, it is normal and it could be fixed by the coder but I guess that they are too lazy to do this.

    #7856 Reply

    No, I really meant WPS player. The next day it went to normal again. So now it is working fine.

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