Adult Force and lack of affiliate content

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  • #4686 Reply

    Before I inquire with them directly, I just want to make sure that I’m not missing something.
    I am right in saying Adult Force hasn’t updated their zip files for a week, right?
    There are three videos on the Sean Cody site that they haven’t given us any promo material for, right?

    I keep checking and wondering if I’m just losing my marbles and not seeing an option somewhere.

    #4687 Reply

    Yea you dont really get “aff content in advance” or even “on release day” with adult force, its more batch updates there.

    #4688 Reply

    Does it sell though, their sites have such a lot of exposure already.

    #4689 Reply

    We have struggled with them a whole lot since they moved to AF and we had given up, but we made a couple of sales in a last few months so we thought we would give them another try. Looks like it might have been a bit of a blip, though. Whatever it was suddenly convincing guys to sign up seems to have ended.

    #4690 Reply

    Honestly I cant even get clicks to track no matter getting any sales (on my personal account)… When I usually put a post for any sponsor up I will see about 200 clicks over 2-3 days, adultforce I have had 0 since january (and then it was only 2 clicks)…

    I spoke to the guys there apparently its because the links are long and ugly and I should use a link shorten-er (like bitly), but every link I ever post is ugly and unshortend (like a nats link), so that does not add up in my books. If I seen 10 clicks I could at least say that its just a low CTR but a 0% click through rate just does not add up when I tend to get a lot of clicks for EVERY other studio I promote.

    But that’s just my view… I remember there was “display issues” at first, but considering my clicks went from over 1000 a day to 0 a day and that display issue was “sorted” I am still a little skeptical there is something not quite working as it should there.

    #4691 Reply

    I’ve used two different methods to achieve this over the years.

    A few years ago I installed “YOURLS” to create unique short links, then last year I tried a simple htaccess redirect method. Neither showed any clear change in clicks or sales.

    I’ve never seen any evidence that shortening links makes any difference, from my perspective it just seems like another thing to go wrong, that you’ll then have to go back and change in another 3 months.

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