adult sites with non-recurring trials

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  • #3879 Reply

    i was arguing with a fellow webmaster the other day. he felt that the adult sites we occasionally run into with non-recurring trials or cheap non-recurring 1 month memberships are doing it so they won’t have to pay their affiliates when those members rejoin. i doubt that’s it – most of the owners i’ve known who have offered a non-recurring trials or cheap month memberships have been inexperienced, and often removed the non-recurring trial when pointed out the point of a recurring membership and lack of willingness of affiliates to promote something like that.

    what do you think?

    #3880 Reply

    This theory doesn’t really make sense to me. If they joined on a non-recurring trial, assuming the Affiliate chose Revshare, both the sponsor and the affiliate would suffer. If the customer did end up coming back within 30 days, the affiliate’s cookie should still be in place, so they would still get credit. There might be a few that slipped into the cracks joining up again without an affiliate code, but it seems to me it would be a small percentage and hardly worth the risk of losing a rebilling customer.

    Now let’s say the affiliate was on PPS. The program would have to pay out $30 on a non-recurring trial…that would be murder, especially if the customer signed up again a few days later for another non recurring trial and the affiliates cookie was still in place (in which case the sponsor would have to shell out $60 for 2 non recurring trial sales).

    I’d chock it up to either being inexperienced, or just nuts!

    #3881 Reply

    I hate any kind of trials that aren’t PPS. I really don’t like making 50 cents and hoping the guy rebills.

    But I could see some short-sighted site owner thinking it was a good cash grab. But as you say, Patti, a lot of site owners are just inexperienced. I think a lot of new site owners suffer from an inferiority complex, too, not thinking that their product is worth paying full price for.

    I won’t promote Nasty Daddy, even though they have great content, because they have a cheap trial. The site is small and I know that most people who get inside have no reason to rebill, so why I’m I wasting my time to make $5 or less. I’ve talked to the owner, but the cheap trial is still there.

    I think a lot of new site owners just look at what everyone else is doing and think they have to do the same thing.

    #3882 Reply

    I’d say you have to keep track to be honest. Rev share is great for mitigating volatility in your revenue over time, but some sites just dont retain. I’d keep a running tally of which programs retain and which dont and promote accordingly.

    #3883 Reply

    I think I agree with you 100%. Non-recurring join options aren’t making you any money.

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