CloudFlare On Adult Sites

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  • #4484 Reply

    Has anyone given them a try on adult sites? If so would you mind sharing your experience. I keep checking out what they have to offer and it seems pretty enticing and easy to use/setup.

    #4485 Reply

    My experiences with cloudflare have been realy good.
    I have been on their Pro plan for quite some time, what they offer for just $20 a month is amazing. Combined with some of their extra features i spend around $60 / month. I would recommend them to anyone.

    I realy like their caching features, its quite easy to manage the different settings through their pagerules, setting up different caching options for jpg / css etc.

    #4486 Reply

    I’ve used them for a few years now. They are very good and works perfectly for my needs. As charlez mentioned you dont need to spend much on them to get all the benefits. You just can’t use them for video content.

    #4487 Reply

    Cant say I can complain, been using them for all my sites and even moved a few of my husbands old clients who we still support from his old web business over to CloudFlare. Its VERY cheap compared to others, and it just seems to work… I second the “video comments” above, but if you really want that side to be fast you can always use another service alongside easily just to serve the videos, why pay premium CDN for everything if you can have most of the site served free/low cost at cloudflare.

    #4488 Reply

    Wow, I’m glad to hear everyone so far has positive feedback about them..

    My main concern is that I have pages where I use expiring URL’s so videos aren’t hotlinked. Those pages can’t be cached because if they were then cloudflare could end up serving a page with an expired url that no longer works. From my reading I see that they offer a feature where it will revalidate a page before serving the chache. This sounds like exactly what I need but I’m thinking it’s going to slow down page load.

    Without Cloudflare a user requests the page from my server and it gets served immediately.
    With Cloudflare on certain pages Cloudflare will have to revalidate before server the page. Won’t this slow down the page load time as compared to a visitor just downloading the page directly?

    If anyone has any insight on this issue I would appreciate the input..

    #4489 Reply

    To be honest kevin, they offer a few options you could revalidate or if it’s only a set number of pages they also have an option to exclude pages from cache completely (for instance I cannot cache one of my login pages without everything on the site breaking somehow due to a social login plugin, so I just exclude it and the social login script in the page rules). You would be a lot better off with a paid service with them instead of the free though, I think the lowest paid option might have everything you need.

    I cant comment in the pagespeed, I expect it will be a few milliseconds lag possibly, but again you can state pagerules to only do this re-validation on the pages you need. That’s at least my best guess estimate, remember a server validation is server to server and a lot faster than someone looking at a page, and if the page is served from a CDN close to them it could in theory actually be faster as some of the pages resources will already be cached.

    One thing I would say is it isn’t a huge pain in the arse to try it out (as the platform at cloudflare is incredibly simple), especially if you set up a staging/test blog to test cloudflare on it would have no effect on your site during testing then. Sadly without a bit of testing I don’t know if anyone would be able to give you a definitive answer.

    #4490 Reply

    CF has an analytics section that is quite good.
    Showing anything from Requests Through Cloudflare, Bandwidth, Unique Visitors, Threats to Response Time (Origin → Cloudflare), DNS Traffic etc etc.

    As mentioned above its quite simple to just give it a try …

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