Cloudflare on adult sites

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  • #4309 Reply

    Are any of you guys using cloudflare to speed up your adult site and for extra added security? What’s your opinions on it?

    #4310 Reply

    We tested it a couple of weeks ago on a couple of our smaller sites. Very buggy. Its a great concept but we had outtages and people were getting blocked by their firewall that presented no threat even though we were using the lowest security setting of “virtually off”.

    #4311 Reply

    Very, very buggy. And it didn’t apparently speed anything up. I’m running varnish in front of nginx with WordPress and that goes way faster. Security, well, just keep WordPress updated and don’t get creative with plugins, lock down your tcp wrappers and disable FTP. Not sure how spam comes into this, just use Akismet and moderate, 90% of the spam won’t even get to moderation stage.

    #4312 Reply

    Been using this for about a month and have noticed the traffic from “threats” (bots and spammers) go way down from about 50% to just 5%. I had been planning to go to this for awhile, but went ahead and did it last month because someone was trying to hack my login page. I setup special rules for that page and have not had issues since then and the site does fell a bit quicker.

    #4313 Reply

    I tried it, I failed.

    It seemed to speed things up for a week or two, and spam did decrease, but there were no visible benefits that a combination of a couple of plug-ins couldn’t fix.
    Then it all went to hell and I had no end of problems with my host and it all became far too confusing to have them in the mix too.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s worth the hassle for what it’s supposed to do.

    #4314 Reply

    I am using Cloudflare on 10 of my adult domains for a week now. It does speed things up a little. I can’t say that I am seeing a difference in spam, cause Disqus and Akismet took good care of that already. It does save a lot of bandwidth.

    According to the stats, Cloudflare blocks 10% of my traffic now. I don’t know if that is considered much actually. What % of your traffic gets no access?

    #4315 Reply

    This past week it has been 5%, i think all threats are blocked, or at least have to pass the test page if they appear to be a threat.

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