Help getting banner ads installed

Home Forums Newbie Helpdesk Help getting banner ads installed

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  • #7560 Reply
    justin batchelor

    I recently read your how to start adult site and decided to give it a go. I bought the tmdhosting and decided to do wp script retro theme for wordpress. Everything has gone well except I have one last thing I need help and cant figure out. I know how to get affiliate ad up on site and make it clickable but cant get placement right. I want to do a sidebar one so i pull the text widget over to sidebar and its the top one but when I save it and look on site it puts it below the ad box as second spot on sidebar never in top ad box no msatter what i try. I do the same thing with footer and no matter what ends up on left side of ad box. Also i dont see asnyway to put the banner on header area where the top ad box appears dont even know where toi start. Thank you ahead of time for any help you can give.

    #7572 Reply

    Try copying your ad code and go to WP-Script settings then Theme Options then choose Advertising and here you can see your all areas where you can place it.

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