reCAPTCHA v3 on adult sites

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  • #5491 Reply

    A couple of days ago I decided to tackle reCAPTCHA integration in some the adult sites I’m about to launch. I saw there were a few types of reCAPTCHA and I picked “v3” not knowing I was adopting it the day after it was launched.

    v3 is really quite cool. Instead of bothering the user with things they have to click on or figure out, v3 just monitors your traffic and looks for suspicious behavior. In the background you tell Google about various “actions” the browser is taking on your site (page views, form submissions, downloads, outbound clicks – anything you think is meaningful). The more Google sees, the better it can figure out what’s normal and what’s not normal. Every time you register an action with Google it gives back a token. You then periodically (or at critical moments) validate the current token and Google gives you a score ranging from 0 to 1. The higher the score the more likely there’s no problem. The lower the score the more likely they’re a bot.

    I had already built routines to detect SQL injection and abuse of certain scripts. So I’ve layered the reCAPTCHA score into those routines so browsers that Google thinks are bots have much lower thresholds before I completely block their IP address. Today I’m going to integrate it into stuff like registrations and user generated content. There I’ll block anything by a likely bot, hold other stuff for review, and accept things that Google thinks are coming from legit people.

    It’s actually a really elegant way of approaching site security.

    Learn more here and here…

    #5492 Reply

    It sounds very good, is it compliant with EU laws? Just sounds like its collecting a lot of data without user agreement or I guess you simple have to have an accept cookie notice before it loads.

    #5493 Reply

    As I was working with it yesterday all of a sudden I started getting this little floating icon in the lower right corner of my pages. It was really irritating. After an hour or two of futzing I got it to go at the bottom of the page in the footer and I managed to make it grayscale so it’s not quite so glaringly ugly. Then I managed to push the footer down to the bottom of the page when the page was short, which let me push the reCAPTCHA stuff down a bit further so it’s always below the fold. From what I read online reCAPTCHA will stop working if you remove the box.

    Anyway, that box that they insert into your page is what (presumably) makes it EU legal. It contains links for privacy and terms. I don’t think they use cookies though. I think it’s all based on IP and browser fingerprints.

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