Roboscript – Display custom post on index

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  • #5416 Reply

    Hi, Mr. Adult affiliate!

    I am trying to figure out what this thing actually does. I think it should let me create posts, insert images, right? Si it is like a blog, but it is where the auto=content is generated. And the disadvantage of the auto=content is that it pulls a model’s picture that you may not want or like. With a custom post instead, I can insert manually any image that I would like to be displayed.

    But if I select ‘yes’ to ‘display custom posts on index’, then I get this message:

    ‘Open a new browser tab and go to Post > Categories and with your mouse over the Edit link under the category you wish to display in the WP category table on the right.

    You will see this /wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=category&tag_ID=2&post_type=post…
    The category ID you need to enter in the upper field is next to the tag_ID parameter, 2 in this example..’

    So I open a new tab, I go to ‘post’, then to ‘categories’, then to ‘edit’ and I do not see this anywhere: ‘/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=category&tag_ID=2&post_type=post…’ Neither when I hover the mouse over the ‘edit’, nor when I click on ‘edit’.

    #5428 Reply


    When you are in the categories section just put your mouse over the edit link under a category and don’t click anything, you will see the url appear at the bottom of your browser…



    #5435 Reply

    Ok, I got the ID number, and I placed it in the ‘Custom Post Category ID’, and I clicked ‘save’. Then I went to ‘Posts’, ‘Add new’, I used a test title and a test description, and I saved it. And then nothing, it does not appear on the index. What am I doing wrong?

    #5436 Reply

    I actually managed to do it, so there is no more need for a reply. Thanks!

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