What "triggers" you to market a site/affiliate program?

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  • #3324 Reply

    Think for a second. With all the adult sites and affiliate programs out there what made you decide to market the last site or program that you signed up for? What made you say, “I am going to take the time to fill out the form and actually start promoting the site.”

    Was it the site. You just liked the design?
    Was it from a recommendation?
    Was it a higher payout?

    What made you decide to market the LAST program/site you decided to market.

    Not asking what “normally” triggers you to market a site/program, but the last one you decided to market.

    #3325 Reply

    niche – after that, only a truly TERRIBLE tour or payout or very creepy program could have kept me from signing up.

    #3326 Reply

    Niche also for me. I recently dropped a couple of sponsors and this left me needing to find replacements to fill that particular niche.

    #3327 Reply

    Uniqueness, if that is or can be a word.

    Doesn’t always pay off, but it never hurts to try. Sometimes you find a goldmine, like AssCult back in 2001 – twinks in bondage in old Euro church settings. (It’s gone now, and so is Ural Cash – go figure…)

    Test first – a few links, look at conversions on low traffic, and go from there.

    #3328 Reply

    niche and good promotional banners that make you want to click

    #3329 Reply

    I’m not sure if I am saying the same thing here or not…

    When deciding what sites to promote, I look whether it has been hammered on sites already. If it has, I will probably just move on.

    I recently found a site that I hadn’t seen before and thought it was quite “unique” (there is that keyword again). Thats what made me go ahead and promote it.

    An exceptions to the rule for me, is when I can see a site updates often. Then I will try my luck at promoting the latest or best selling content.

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