What's Your Google Weirdness

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  • #3019 Reply

    I was talking to another adult affiliate about Google and they certainly seem unpredictable these days. This particularly blog of mine has suddenly started kicking in with some nice Google traffic; and the funny thing is that I started it last October and lost interest in it pretty quickly. So it’s just been simmering for the rest of last year.

    Now, it’s holding a top ten ranking for some pretty good keywords … so much for needing to update a blog to get Google traffic.

    Another blog seems to have gone into the Google sandbox. I’m guessing it’s because I changed the title back in November and added some recommended code to header file to deal with duplicate content issues. When I removed the dup content code, the blog came out of the sandbox.

    Another blog also suffered from updatitis and suddenly within the last month I’ve got so much Google traffic I can’t get posts up fast enough.

    Not that we can ever really figure Google out, I’m just wondering if any of you out there are experiencing similar weird things with Google. Can you share them?

    #3020 Reply

    Google constantly has hissy fits, struggled with it a lot throughout 2016. In my case it hit very hard but no one could figure out what it was for sure. I discussed it in a different SEO forums including Google’s own. What I quickly realized was that a majority of “SEO Experts” have no idea what they are talking about. In the end myself might have figured out what the problem was. Unfortunately we will never be 100% sure.

    In a way I’m glad I have problems because through it I’ve learned important things, both about how Google works but also how important it is not to rely too much on a single source of traffic, i.e. Google. In the end, real growth can only come from having fans, bookmarkers and returning visitors.

    Anyway, Fuck-ups and mistakes are a great way of learning. I’ve been doing it for nearly 10 years now!

    #3021 Reply

    My weirdness is building links and seeing little happen, then trailing off in my efforts and seeing my organic traffic climbing, after a bloody YEAR!

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