Adult affiliate profits

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  • #3107 Reply

    Well, I agree with some part of your points. But today things are different from before. Not everyone can just say: ok, I will quit my full time job. Now I’m gonna do adult blogging seriously, I plan to spend 10+ hours a day and work very hard on it.

    Like you said, it takes long time to build up traffic. Probaly the first two years the new blogger can not make any decent income.
    But remember, you still have to pay the bills every month. I don’t know the situation in other places. But if you live in a city like Vancouver and you don’t have a decent income for 3 months, you’re gonna be panic. Housing, foods, gas… the price of everything is insane in here.

    #3108 Reply

    Yes, you’re absolutely right, and I wouldn’t consider you a hobbyist. Not if you’re spending 2 to 3 hours a day blogging. That’s a part-time webmaster. And you’re right, everyone has to start somewhere. Back when I started in 2003, I was forced into going solo when I lost my full-time job with a porn company. My partner supported me while I built my site, but with six months I was making more money than he was. I guess that could still happen these days, but I still think you have to work pretty hard at it.

    Sorry, if I was harsh. I’m just tired of guys running in here with dollars in their eyes and their blogspot blogs, sucking up a lot of our time with questions and advice, then walking away from it all. Men Sparkle is a pretty good blog, you’re updating it several times a day, and it looks like a nice, clean place to surf porn. You should be able to eventually go full time eventually, but who knows, this business seems to change quickly.

    #3109 Reply

    I think it doesn’t matter anymore…if your an affiliate or starting a site or even if your a model….you have to work harder to make money in this business. The days of the gravy train is over…there is not one person I speak to in this industry that doesn’t tell me the income is down, they are making less, working harder and longer hours to make money, I’m hearing more and more guys selling there studios, not updating as much…paying the talent much less, not paying for the talents transportation…I’m hearing it from everyone…from models to content producers, owners of websites and the affiliates.

    There are so many that think because we are in the porn industry we are “rolling” in money and we are all rich and we all party like rock stars and oh so many that want to start there own sites…LOL. Your point about people having dollar signs in there eyes makes me laugh and so true…they realize how difficult it is to make money and all the hard work it takes and they all give up there projects.

    Most that don’t know thinks it easy…LOL. Yeah right…!!!

    #3110 Reply

    I’m a part-timer who launched about 4 months ago. I would have given up a long time ago if it weren’t for this forum and the great advice I get here on an almost daily basis. My site’s a work in progress. It took sooo long, but I’m finally mostly content with my format and traffic is increasing too. It’s definitely requires a lot of time and persistence, all with no certain payoff by some specific time. I can’t seem to sell dick these days – though I have plenty of it.

    But I will keep plugging away, posting and trying to improve, and remain hopeful that more sales will come. Fortunately, I enjoy it too!

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