WP-Script Review (Adult Tube Theme)

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  • #5986 Reply

    A Message From MrAdultAffiliate:

    You can read my updated review of WPS here:

    XWPThemes Review – Why I Stopped Endorsing Them

    It is is very buggy script. they use Ajax and most of the time grab 1 video after waiting for 10 minutes. some time grab 0 videos after waiting 15 minutes. what is this . we are not fool.

    people can’t earn $1 in month with wp-script. . their website slogan is . “create profitable adult site”. really shame . you need 200 years to earn $100 from wp-script. fake slogan , fake people. i really laugh loud when someone says wp-script is nice script. i thought in my mind that he must be a part of wp-script team and making damage control.

    there are huge list of peoples those says that their support is nothing. check other forum and read their real review. they have fake review on trustpilot. wp-script member write fake review on trustpilot and other forums.

    i am using their script and know the truth.

    #5989 Reply


    This guy uses wp-script, and he does not have any complaints. He makes money, he gets a good amount of traffic, everything is working out for him. I found out about him from a different forum, where he started his journey with this site.

    And their reviews are not fake. I know some Indian guys who also use wp-script for a long time, and they do not have any complaints, they do not care what people say about wp-script, because they know one thing: they are making money with that porn script. I know I did not have issues when I was into porn, except minor bugs, which were solved quite quickly, because my tickets were always answered in time, like less than 24 hours.

    #6000 Reply
    Uncle Ernie

    I’m using WP-Script as well (18mths), had a couple of problems here and there… but there’s threads on here with folks having issues with Kenplayer too. Nothing to make me flip out and spam every forum and Trustpilot like a butthurt little you-know-what though.

    All in all, I’d recommend WP-Script. And that thread on BHW re JustSwallows is required reading.

    #6025 Reply

    Both of you (Balaboit – #5989) and (Uncle Ernie – #6000) are full of SHIT!!. Both of you are either part of the WP-SHIT oops!! WP-Scripts team or from the pool of FAKE reviewers. There is no way in HELL anyone is making a dime using their products. I purchased their Clean Tube Player and straight from the beginning, the plugin UI was broken and not working and here is why.

    First, they use the Xbox Framework to build upon their products which loads a ton of bloat into your website. It also hard codes the directory paths which is a big NO NO per WordPress coding best practice. Do your homework and read about it. Because of this their products DO NOT!! play well with other plugins and themes and prevents the admin dashboard from loading properly making it USELESS.

    Now after my purchase I made some edits to the Clean Player Code to get the plugin to detect IT’S OWN install location. After a few hours of work trying to get the rest of the plugin to work, I decided to send them a support request and pointed them directly to the problems I located thinking they could provide a fix. Guess what??? NOPE, 11 Days later they replied informing me they couldn’t access my site and requested access….. WHAT!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!!! I am going to give people I know nothing about access to my website to fix their own product. KISS MY ASS. There is not a person in the world that will make a DIME with their piece of shit broken products and zero support.

    Here is another tip to validate how shitty their products are. They deliver their Clean Tube Player with VUE.JS still in development mode instead of production mode as it should be. Here is a nice little warning I get when trying to use their SHITTY PRODUCT.

    You are running Vue in development mode.
    Make sure to turn on production mode when deploying for production.
    See more tips at vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html


    #6032 Reply

    I know for sure that peiple I know make money with this script, and they actually keep building more and more porn sites with it.

    I also know for sure that I get replies to tickets very quickly. I can make some screenshots with the replies I got from them, and you will see how quickly they got back to me and hoq helpful they were. I can prove it to you, just ask for it, and everyone will see that what you are saying is not true. I dare you, ask me to prove it! I will show you who is full of shit.

    I also know for sure that I am not part of wp-script team. Jeez, where do you come up with this atuff???

    Did you take a look at the stats of justswallows.com? Did you take a look at the atats of plusone8.com? I know the site of an Indian friend, and he gets around 750k uniques a month with his wp-script porn site. Unfortunatelly, I cannot place his site’s link here without his consent. If I could, you would see how some are making good money woth this script. Just because you couldn’t, it doesn’t mean the script is bad.

    #6066 Reply
    Uncle Ernie

    You sound a tad emotional, ItsMe… like you do everywhere else you’ve spam posted your bile re WP-Script. What really happened? Did you buy the starter pack last month and feel conned that you’re not a millionaire already?

    Me, I run WP-Script’s RetroTube on Hostgator’s managed WP package, and have 23 plugins activated with it (including 4 of WP-Script’s), and it all runs smoothly.

    But I’m probably lying, and those plugins I use, obscure, unpopular products no one’s ever heard of – and that you could design better anyway. Speaking of which, you sound knowledgeable so maybe you should just cut out the middlemen at WP-Script and design your own themes and plugins. You might be happier and less obsessed.

    #6120 Reply

    WP-Script is very bad. i have more then 100,000 videos in my site 90% videos are not playing. very bad support. they always ignore buyers email. they only reply pre-slae queries. once you purchase it they will not reply you.

    totally waste of money . there are so many bad stories about wp-script. they are some time make false promises from buyer once buyer purchase it then they ignore buyer email.

    #6125 Reply

    Ten how come they responded to me after the purchases I made? What is so special about me, that they ignored you and replied to me?

    #6140 Reply
    1st Impression

    I’ve never used wp-script. I found this by searching for a wp tube site theme and video downloader. I’m looking to purchase actually. I am a member at the other forum where the person posted his journey about the justcum site. I can confirm it’s true. I can’t confirm if the scripts buggy or anything. I do know they are a small team and in france. I msged them easier and I assume they are asleep. which for me is not a big deal as I am not in need of site help and losing money as time passes.

    Unless someone tells me a better set of tools I will probably roll with wp-script.
    mechbunny looks good but idk also overwhelming a bit since I deal mostly in adultppc and Seo services.

    #6141 Reply
    1st Impression

    Not to double post but can someone plz tell me what the bizx video grabber plugin even does?

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