WP-Script Review (Adult Tube Theme)

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  • #6142 Reply

    It is for importing videos from the sponsors, not from the main tubes. For instance, if you want to place a nubilefilms.com video on your site, then you can use that plugin to grab it. Nubile is a sponsor, it is a company which creates porn content. The tubes are not sponsors, as they do not shoot those videos.

    #6143 Reply

    You can also check the one that Mr. Adult Affilaite recommends, and I think it is cheaper. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference.

    It is great that you also confirmed that all is true about the justswallows and their journal on the other forum. I thought it was only one guy, and I did not know he was Franch.

    #6155 Reply

    I was reluctant to promote them on this blog for many reasons (I have been using their two themes and most of their plugins for many years) but things have changed drastically and now I am no longer recommending XWPT. The quality of WP-Script products and especially their customer service has become really solid and I think that those of you that want to create an adult tube should definitely consider purchasing from them.

    Read more about in this link:

    XWPThemes Review – Why I Stopped Endorsing Them

    #6154 Reply
    1st Impression

    The explained that was part of the reason they weren’t responding during times people 1st expected them to. I think it is just a few people and they are busy as hell lol. Tbh they do have the best looking adult oriented tube theme. I’m talking to them rn about forum integration is that a thing? What different content can people post and how do members interact. It’s important for one of my niches I am trying to start. If anyone has any insight on dealing with adding a community aspect to my tube site that would be great! 🙂

    #6157 Reply

    Since WPS is a WordPress script, it is better to look for something that works on it. There are a few plugins that help you to create a community for your website with ease. Just look for wpForo Forum, Asgaros Forum or BBPress. I believe each of them is free to use and should work with most of the themes.

    You could possibly set up a forum using a standalone software on your subdomain or the subfolder, but it will eat up more resources than the ones I have named above.

    I have not used any of them along with the WPS, but their themes should be compatible with these three plugins.

    #6347 Reply
    Dylan from WP-Script

    John18, let me answer you :

    We do not write fakes reviews and will never do it. You can even notice that most of very bad reviews are not from verified order contrary to good ones : trustpilot.com/review/wp-script.com?languages=en

    Those who write good reviews are those who are using our products everyday to build a profitable tube site, even though there is still some improvements to make, and trust me the 2 devs (yes they are only 2 to manage the update of the product / support / development of news products) work hard everyday on it.

    I hope we at WP-Script will count you soon as customer and that one day you will appreciate our products again.

    #6588 Reply

    Guys, I like wp-script products how it looks and functions, but their products have a lot of bugs and their suport is maybe 4/10. sometimes they answer me, but most of the time I have not get answer from them.

    I have big site and most of visitors leave, because their player sometime works, sometime not works… and this is very, very bad for me and all customers. WP-Script fix the bugs, but she appearing again on different places..

    I have no bad feelings for them, but when their player does not load the videos for days and weeks my traffic is dropping… I work much over the SEO optimization and it is not fair, because I Work 10 hours a day, sometimes more.

    I think to replace their product, but I don’t know better alternative. Can you recommend me some good script like wp, that have function to bypass pornhub ads and shows own?

    #6606 Reply
    Dylan from WP-Script

    Hi Justin, thanks for your fair feedback.

    We are aware of WPS Player issues (currently about the pre-roll) and we are working on it.
    We try to do our best to give a daily support and we know that these days, we haven’t be so much present as one out of the 2 our devs was away for 2 weeks.

    Be assured that support will function perfectly again starting from next week. I know that losing traffic because of plugin issue must be frustrating, please don’t hesitate to contact me through chat and give me your ticket number and I will do my best to help you quickly.

    #7684 Reply

    Hello, has the wp-script player issue been resolved? Also, I sent an email enquiry to them and they have not replied. I am looking for a stable software to begin in this business. I like this site here, much helpful info. Thank you. -SK

    #7685 Reply


    SK, let me guide you a bit. Looks like WPS support now has a system of customer tickets. As it should be. I’ve got an email from them about this implementation but did not have a look carefully. Take a peek on their site. But I think it could be an advertising trick only. You may create a ticket but what about a reply. I hope things will change

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