How To Get Free Traffic To Your Adult Website

So you have created a new adult site and you are looking for a free traffic to it? Every adult webmaster wants traffic, because without any visitors you will not earn money at all. If have a quality content, there are bigger chances that you will make decent money. Porn is a very, very big and competitive market. So if your content is average, rehashed material that can be found on thousands of websites, then visitors will probably not come back to your website.

At the core of it is this: never expect to gain traffic simply because we build a webpage. I am saying this because most of us hold the opinion that, “I have just built a website, I am slowing getting traffic. I expect to get more as I add more pages to my site.” The reality is this: in order for any of us to get traffic, someone somewhere had to relinquish traffic for us. Why? Because, had we not written our webpage, that traffic would have gone to him. More content is not always more traffic, but quality and fresh content catch traffic. Gone are the days when websites are few and searches plentiful. Nowadays everybody and his uncle has a site or blog, all hungry for traffic, but the population just can not grow fast enough to provide so much traffic to so many.

There are thousands of webmasters that start their sites without any funds to buy the traffic, so I created this guide article for them. I am here to help you guys. Below are my best tips on how to drive traffic to your adult website completely for free. I use all these methods to send a ton of free traffic to my websites every single day.

There are many events by you can use bloat out the traffic on your website. I am going to give some events which are really practical to make achievable to you gain the traffic on the website. Social Media Marketing is one of advanced system to sustain of website. By creating the expanse of different social media sites you can make improved the traffic of your website. Search Engine Optimization, link building and post adds also really useful to get the traffic on the web site.

You should probably do all the most obvious things first, some might be more suitable than others depending on the type of site you have. But you could try these:

Content Is King

Content is what bring you traffic. As you write more topics and expand your website, you will get more traffic. I would just like to add one more thing. When you create your content, make sure you write for your readers and not the search engines. Many times people would “optimize” their content to get a better rank in search engines. Search engines will only index your site. Readers are the ones that will make you the money… eventually.

Add unique and fresh content constantly to your adult site. Unique content is exactly what those two words describe. It is original, and not copied from another source. If you simply rewrite one post, I call it a rewrite and not unique. When you attempt to write unique, high-quality content, you need to be genuine and write about a topic that you really like. People want to connect with a real person, not a robot or an article spinner. It is also very important to create value for your audience instead of merely selling a product or a service to your potential customers. If you have a video tube site, add at least some scene descriptions for your clips to make it unique. Once you do this, in combination with a good social marketing strategy and SEO techniques, traffic will naturally come to your site.

Optimize Your Porn Website

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO ) is optimizing a website as high as possible in the search engines. The goal is of course the first spot in Google for the free results. This is also called organic search results within Google. Without SEO you will not earn any money as your site is unknown for everyone. SEO helps the search engines figure out what a web page is about, and how it may be useful for users. It gives visibility to a website among people and increase popularity of that website as well.

First you have to start posting at least daily. The real key for success is posting constantly. Use descriptive and unique titles containing the keywords (but do not abuse). Google gives importance to H1 and H2 in blog posts, so use them smartly. Use ALT tags for each picture: each picture title should contain your pointing keywords. Take care of the long tail keywords and consider the keyword difficulty: you can reach some good results with some longtails rather than with the simple ones.

Content is everything. Good quality, unique and regular new posts. You definitely can not just copy ready made text or collages. It has to attract and engage people.

No point focusing on the big terms like “gay porn”, you will not stand a chance if your site is brand new. Go for longtail instead something like “gay interracial porn”.

I would also suggest you make it less about selling a membership from every video post and more about running an informative and interesting site. Do not make every single post an affiliate post. Create content that is useful and entertaining, content that does not just sell a membership.

Many affiliates seem to think that every single post should have a link to a site and posts that do not will never make you money. In reality, those posts without links, being informative and genuinely interesting to readers (showing that you are not just flogging them porn), will increase your traffic overall, which in-turn increases the opportunity to sell through one of the posts linking out.

Get Backlinks

Relevant backlinks refer to links built from relevant webpages with the same niche and with good authority. This helps to build high quality backlinks for your website and your backlinks receive greater link juice for your keyword rankings. Avoiding link farms, duplicate contents and webpages with irrelevant backlinks are some of the major criteria to build high quality relevant backlinks for your website.

Search for the forums, blogs and video sites which are in your niche. I think this would be enough to build your backlinks. You can start with guest posting, listing your business in some quality niche directories and start to post about your site on the relevant forums. Apart from these strategies, you can look around the sites in your niche and request to submit a press release about your site.

Basically, look around in your niche for places to get links. Look at what the top ranked porn sites are doing. Also look in closely related niches.

Engage With Social Media

Create a Twitter account and a Tumblr too. Every time you post share that content on those platforms with images that draw people in. Make those two accounts fun in their own right.

Use popular hashtags, of course make sure that they are relevant to your niche. Follow users that follow accounts related to your own one. Let’s say you have a website in a big ass niche, then find accounts in the same or similar niche and follow their followers. Not all of them will follow you back, but if your social media account has a great content, they will follow you, retweet or reblog your posts and visit your main porn site.

You have to post daily some hot pictures or gifs, otherwise some of your current followers will unfollow your account or blog. You can also ask other webmasters that own some great porn social accounts for an exchange, they will retweet or reblog your posts and you will do the same for them. It is a really fantastic way to gain new adult followers. Check out some huge porn accounts that have a big following, analyze why they have so many followers and try to repeat some of their ideas on your own accounts. From my experience, Tumblr has a high quality traffic. But it is very easy to get your account deleted once you are caught doing affiliate marketing things.

Do not just be the guy standing in the corner of the room with a megaphone screaming at people to come and buy stuff. Like I said, post daily some content but do not include links in every post. Engage with other users, engage with performers you just featured, create content that is actually interesting and compelling rather than just trying to sell a membership to a site. The buyer knows the game and they have little interest in just being sold to.

Get Traffic From Reddit

Sign up on Reddit to boost traffic to your adult site. You can gain a hell a lot of visitors from this fantastic website but only if you do it right. Once the subreddit moderator catch you spamming your links, they will never forgive you. Never.

Horny redditors are looking for some porn on a daily basis so no wonder that there are many great nsfw subreddits where you can post your own porn tube. Just submitting your link to any of these porn subreddits can bring you thousands of visitors per day. Please check out my article titled How To Get Traffic From Reddit To Your Adult Website  for more information on how to generate traffic for free from Reddit.

Get Links In Your Niche

You can easily find other sites relevant to you pn Google. Best way to find non automated sites, is finding a site managed by actual webmasters. For this you just need to perform a simple search in Google.

Ask the owner of the website about the link exchange with your site. If your site does not have too many visitors, it will not get you much traffic though, see it as a long term investment.

Start submitting your site to directories and porn list sites to get a decent amount of traffic as a start.

Tube Uploading

You are free to upload watermarked videos with your domain on the biggest porn tube sites. There are tubes that allow you to add a link to your site.

Do not add the full clip scenes, but cut them to be short, so visitors will visit your site for more content. Make sure you choose a unique title so it can be easily found on the search engine sites. Upload at least a few videos on as many sites as you can. The most famous porn sites generate over million visits each day, so why not get some free traffic from them.

Porn Forums

Most of the porn forums allow you to put links in your signature. You can also add watermarked pictures and videos in threads. Create an account and make some useful posts before you start promoting your sites. Do not be too aggressive with it because moderators will terminate your account.

Traffic exchanges

I recommend you to use the following sites to trade your adult traffic with other webmasters:

  • PlugRush
  • TraffDAQ
  • Linkspun

These sites are very easy to use, the most importantly you can gain loads of traffic for free. Traffic trade is another fantastic way to get your site in front of thousands people.

Image Porn Sites

Submit watermarked porn pictures to these image porn sites:


These days, almost all TGP sites are dead or do not have any traffic, only sites mentioned above can drive you quality traffic and make you some great money. You will waste your time adding any content to the other image websites.

Review Sites

Do you have a porn paysite? Then you should definitely get reviews on all these websites:


They all accept only paysites, so you can not submit your free site for a review there. They do not send a lot of traffic, but I have to admit that they convert very well.

Top Lists and Dumps

Dump sites list the best porn sites and sort them into many categories. Here are some of them:


Contact the site owners and suggest your porn sites. They may ask you about placing a backlink.

Porn Pin Sites

Webmasters should also consider promoting their sites on porn pin sites:


Just upload some watermarked pictures or GIFs and add your website link. Users will click on the links to see more content. Do not be too spammy.


Search engine optimization can definitely help a lot but the problem is the matter of time because in nearly all cases, SEO is considered to be very time-consuming, requiring weeks and months of constant work before real outcomes are achieved. As per my understanding organic and genuine traffic is good enough to move you up gradually. It may take little time but will remain with you forever.

Through adding fresh contents to your website and in the meanwhile using social media sites, you will be able to spread the word about your site efficiently, redirecting strong flows of traffic to your content pages and even winning some links. There are directories online and if you add your URL to a few of them, gradually your ranks on search engines too will improve considerably.

Please share your own ideas and suggestions on the other ways of getting free traffic in the comments.

44 thoughts on “How To Get Free Traffic To Your Adult Website”

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this information. I have recently set up my tube site and have started to use traffdaq (but it is not the only way for me to get traffic). Traffdaq seems to be very tricky as very often it does not load up the website to make any update on your account. I will give some update how it goes 🙂 Anyway, this is useful information just one thing you have to bare in mind – you have to work, nobody will work for you, Cheers!

    • Welcome Uldis, thanks a lot. While there are many free traffic sources and so little time. I always suggest to try them one by one and then after some period of time you will see which method works the best for you. Creating a fresh and highly unique content will bring a hell of a lot of free traffic in a long term, you need to have a patience but the hard work will certainly pay off. You are absolutely right with saying “You have to work, nobody will work for you”. By the way, you have a nice site.

  2. Great List and guide, I copied it to Evernote to study later. I like how you broke this down, everything seems to get bogged down for me all the time as far as how I should spend my time.

  3. Hi dera admin, Many thanks for your detailed informations. You shared your knwoledge with us. I will start to follow these steps. Keep on posting good articles like this one.

  4. Many thanks for your detailed information. You shared your knowledge . i have adult tube website but i don’t know where i post my link for creating lot of backlinks and plies check my website or give me some seo tips..

    • Welcome Main.

      You can try to exchange links with other affiliates in your niche. Do that, search for your niche on the Google, for example you have an adult site in the amateur niche, then search for keywords such as “amateur porn” and contact webmasters. If you have a great site that gets lots of traffic then most of them will accept your offer.

      There are also sites like linkspun where you can contact webmasters for hardlink trades.

      Check out my posts which tell you how to rank a site and do the seo and also visit my forum on:

  5. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this subject. I found it very helpful and am working with your advice to drive traffic to my cam site.

  6. I created a big pornsite 15 months ago with more than 600 categories. But it’s really difficult to get traffic and SEO is very time consuming. Now I have around 1500 visitors / day and it’s very low compared to toher sites. An even by paying traffic via Plugrush it’s not easy. I think if you want to have good traffic you must be full time on your site (for SEO and entering videos). When I started my site I did not imagine that it was so long. ” sorry if my English is not good but i’m french”.

  7. Great work, i started my tube website and i’m following your advices. I did a huge work already for the SEO, and i’m using other tube site like pornhub to get direct traffic, so far it is not bad at all. I’ll keep in touch of my evolution. Thank you again for your great advices

  8. Hi,

    I have an escort website where independent escorts and agencies can register freely 100% free. I do get 2-3 escorts a week registering. I created the site about 2 years ago. Now, of course, I want to monetize. Is there a way to add a button to my menu that I can offer this service?



  9. Great write up, I will agree that getting visitors is not an easy task. I have started out on your model and want test a few idea’s I have for marketing.

    Thanks again for the great write up!

  10. Tell me how do You want create account on Tumblr with the adult content, beacuse when I write in search form “porn” “xxx” “milf” it was nothing. I think it’s not allowed. But I know fanpage on facebook is an option only for adult people but really don’t know if we can put adult content

    • You are late to the party when it comes to Tumblr because they stopped banning anything porn related many months ago, so I would not waste the time with them. I would not recommend using Facebook for this as well, they are quick to suspend fan pages posting adult content. You can use Twitter and promote your site there.

  11. Hi,

    I just want to thank you for your advices, it’s a great help ! We start with a friend a mobile enhanced website quite unique, still working on it, our start is very encouraging ! Im not sure yet that optimized mobile website follow the same marketing rules than “classic” website, especially that we are between game and movie, but that’s great adventure.

    Wish you the best in your business

  12. I’ve also tried to get high authority links from searching competitors backlinks and linking to the same site in a way that relates to my site. I usually use a free backlink checker and start my search from there. It works sometimes but it’s a very tedious job.

  13. I’ve tried to link to some of the sites you mentioned and some don’t allow linking. Most sites are charging for links now and its getting very expensive so I just use twitter and reddit.

  14. Thanks alot. very informative. I was on the right path but didn’t know if it was correct what i was doing. But now i know.

  15. Hi There You Have Written Very Nice Post. But It Seems Some Thing Missing There About Whatsapp Marketing Can We Use Whatsapp For Promoting Adult Contents…???

  16. I have a porn channel i wasnt posting to because i was focus on another. Now i am trying to gain views on my channel because i started using it again… is there anyway i can boost my views?

  17. Very simple, you take a boring day off & visit to comment on every blog you might have an opinion about!


    Cus his very nice & helpful backend alows us all to post links & they show & they get recorded by SEO & search engines!

    Organic trafic farming!

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