How To Promote Adult Webcam Site

So you are a new webmaster and you do not know how to get converting traffic that will earn you real cash, this post is for you! I will share with you all how to successfully promote an adult webcam site. Just sit back and learn all the best practices and tips for generating a free stream of traffic to your webcam site so you can watch your income grow.

Chaturbate is a well-known and an established adult cam site. You will need to put your efforts in promoting them. You have to work smart creating your website and promoting the best webcam site out there. With the quality traffic you can expect an excellent conversion ratio.

Register for Chaturbate now and start earning the real money that you could only dream of before. See for yourself why they are the most popular cam affiliate website.

I have a really long experience in the porn industry. I have tried to convert all niches imaginable and cam sites are the only way to go for an adult webmaster these days. Probably some of your sites failed and you did not make enough money from it. It happens, if you truly learn from your mistakes, you will succeed one day.

The best way to increase your webcam traffic is by making a niche blog and adding a new post regularly. The following methods can easily help you increase your webcam site traffic.

Here are the best ways to generate targeted webcam traffic:

  • Search engine traffic. In order to show up in the search engines, you need to be add a really quality content (posts) and target specific keywords. I think blogging is the perfect way to do that. Try to post relevant and interesting content on your site. Make sure that the post tittle includes keywords that you want to be found under on the search engines. Your posts have to include a unique and text rich content that the search engines love. If you want to increase your organic traffic, post frequently. If your site do not has a good content, it will probably never rank, so be smart and creative. It will pay off after some time.
  • Twitter. It is the best social media website to get the cam traffic completely for free. Follow some hot cam performers and other porn related accounts. Add some sexy profile picture and background photo, post hot but non nude (you have to leave something for imagination) pictures of hot random girls or guys and tweet it with the text like “Watch me fucking my dildo [here link]” or “Click here to see me naked on cam [here link]”. Use relevant hashtags such as #Sexy #Livecam #Cam, so horny surfers will find you there.
  • Tumblr is another good way to gain free webcam traffic. Follow, engage, reblog other hot tumblr blogs that have similar content. Post hot pictures and do not forget to put some tags in posts.
  • Watermarked video uploads will also help you drive some traffic. You can achieve it by uploading amateur videos with a watermark on it (a logo or your website address or your whitelabel address placed on it) to porn video tubes. Do not violate any copyrights, post your own video content or at least upload some random girl masturbating. If the sponsors ever catch you stealing their content, you will be banned for life. Give your video a nice and relevant title, categories and tags so people will find it on the search engine sites such as Google.
  • Linking your affiliate code link on your porn sites. It is very simple, put ads or text link on your other porn sites. So let’s say you have a one porn site in big boobs niche, I recommend you to find some big breasted cam girls and post something interesting about them and link to their chat rooms. You can also create a whitelabel and do the same.

If you are not already an affiliate registered on Chaturbate then register right now, click here and start making some big money with them. Registration is really quick and easy and there is no better time to start.

Good luck everyone and if there is anything I can do to help you, just let me know in the comment section. It would be fantastic if any of you could share some other tips and knowledge that I have missed in this how-to post. Do you need a list of sex cam sites? MyBestSexCamSites has lots of reviews that are kept up to date and they also add sponsors to you can join.

76 thoughts on “How To Promote Adult Webcam Site”

  1. Thank you buddy , your article is very attractive!

    Just one question: what is the best way to place webcam site link on tumblr (in post, in Tumblr description or something else) ?

    I asked because read at gfy some guy post that its not wise to place links in posts.

    What do you think ?

    • Tumblr is getting less and less adult friendly and they deindexed all adult blogs and now viewers that aren’t logged in can’t see your Tumblr blog.

      They were always against affiliate stuff. But you can post your own site links, but don’t do that in every post because their system will detect it and will flag you for spam and suspend you.

      You can also post pictures with the domain name written on the top right corner (it’s called a watermark) but isn’t as effective as the previous promotion method.

      Overall, Tumblr can be good for webcam affiliate promotion but don’t rely only on this because they can remove your all blogs at a moment’s notice.

      Unfortunately, social media sites don’t really want to do anything with adult content so they can shut you down for nothing.

    • I don’t use Tumblr much these days for webcam promotion, but I get some nice traffic from Twitter every day. I just post pictures of amateur girls and I add the link to my white label saying something like: “click here to see her on the cam”.

      It does seem to work and it doesn’t require any investment at all. I would love to run a website but I don’t have enough funds to do that now but I have seen a guide on here and hopefully I will be able to build one once I got a payment from my affiliate programs.

      • 1000 + words of common very promised words (water) with aff link to chaturbate thats what i found in this articles ..

    • I created a network of webcam sites using the Robo plugin from the mr adult affiliate post about four months ago and I make about 1500 dollars a month from them and I don’t even add any post or even change a thing. they are fully automized and add cam models every five minute. the sites built with this plugin tend to rank pretty quickly on search engines and this is the best kind of promotion in my opinion.

        • Welcome Emi. I have started dozens of adult sites and honestly, I lost the count, since I have sold and bought lots of them. There are many tips I give you on this blog as well as on the forum but let me know if you have any specific questions for me.

        • I mainly focus on the SEO so most of the people come to my adult websites from Google and other search engines. Of course, there are many other ways of how your potential visitors can find you and these are social media sites like Twitter, Reddit and doing link exchanges with others.

      • I created a twerk tube site 6 months ago using WPS theme but I have not been able to get any traffic from search engines. How is he able to get traffic without doing anything. Someone please tell me.

        • I can tell that your website does look great and it is nicely customized. But you should try to get some links from related websites in your niche so look for twerk sites and if there are not many, getting listed on porn list sites like ThePornDude will definitely help you, provided they are of a good quality. I can see that you have video descriptions, which is good, but you repeat the same keywords too many times and it is dangerous and it might be one of the reasons why you have issues with getting search engine traffic in the first place. My advice is to reduce the number of words so yours are definitely too long for videos and I think that this way they cause you more harm than good. Also, avoid repeating the same or similar sentences in your videos, better do not put them at all than add duplicate content.

          • Hello, Mr Adult Affiliate) I have created a site on WPS and used Yoast for SEO. Is this a good idea to upload description for all posts in bulk? And thank you for helpful content here in your blog.

      • can you contact me I am having trouble with roboscripts and the guy who created it is not that great at customer service. charlesjr266 at

    • I had a bit traffic from social profiles on Twitter and Facebook that I have created to promote specific models. Many guys will look for models on these sites so it is an easy way to get some free traffic.

      Obviously, you can not post any nudity on Facebook, but if you post clothed pictures with some sexy text and a domain (not a clickable link, because they will blacklist you) to your white label or your webcam site, you can get some great traffic without much effort.

      Still some of my accounts get removed, but they are easy to create and populate with some pictures.

      I am promoting models this way on social media and I also run have a one fresh WordPress site build with the plug Robo. It gets only 100 visits a day but the traffic converts pretty well so with some SEO work (backlinks, content) it can improve.

    • I have been promoting cams for fours years and I average about $40-50 a day and I have built many social media accounts on Twitter but also a few on Tumblr but I also have some adult sites.

      I most of the clicks that I generated to offers are mainly from these sites and I started them with very little affiliate experience but with some time they started getting decent organic traffic.

      I have been creating accounts for popular webcam models on Twitter and post some pictures along with links and I get some traffic this way too, but nowhere close as my own sites.

      I tried to upload videos to PornHub, XVideos, XHamster but after uploading like 200 videos frequently and getting three million views and few sales I gave up. Maybe it works for you, but not for me.

      There are pretty big affiliates that got their big accounts with 100,000s followers comprised so don’t rely on social media traffic or watermarked videos alone.

      • I love these plugins and I got both of them last week. they are really easy to use and it is really great that they work on wordpress so many newbies can use them without having any major issues.

        thanks for letting us know in the article because I did not even know that such cam plugins even exist and now I have a very good tool to promote affiliate sponsors.

        I think that I will also use social media accounts from twitter, instagram and tumblr to push my new live sites. I am already excited as I see them get some traffic from search engines and I have to work a bit on getting backlinks to my rankings will get even better.

    • there are few plugins that i know and i have used but all of them aren’t that good for promotion at all.

      for instance, their cams aren’t working properly on mobile and there are eating way too much ram and badwidth.

      they also skim your traffic so your visitors will be redirected to some sites or offers that you won’t be paid for anything.

      the one i still remember is called sexplugins. it works with wordpress and is quite easy to install, but it’s very buggy and is rarely update.

      one of my cam sites is using this plugin i constantly got PHP warnings that i couldn’t fix myself.

      the main issue is that they won’t do well on the google because they are not indexed well and they are very slow.

      you want to seo your site, you need to add responsive and custom page templates and add unique title, description for some pages or cams, that is why i use only paid plugins like robo.

      i wouldn’t bother with free ones, they won’t get you anywhere. it’s better to create a tube, blog or a site with robo that fully automates everything.

    • I know one free plugin from the site sexplugins, but I haven’t used it for ages and I am not sure if they update it any longer. I have been running it on many cam sites on WordPress and I never had any success so don’t expect much from it as it isn’t that SEO friendly and it isn’t coded really well so it can mess up the whole site so no wonder search engines don’t like this plugin.

      I have seen people talk on different adult forums say that they overwrite the affiliate ID so that person that uses it, doesn’t get credited for most of the sales and this alone is a big no no, for me, so I would rather recommend getting a one of the paid plugins that are mentioned here if you are in it for a long time.

      • Stay away from this sexplugin scam. It has eaten so much of the bandwidth, they split your sign ups so they actually steal your sales and my adult cam site was loading so slow that I had to delete it and I am now happy I did that since I got the robo plugin from the post on this site and I am just two month in and I already got two pay outs from my webcam affiliate program.

  2. Hi, thanks for your article. I think that is very attractive & interesting.

    I have some questions here. I have a big profile on twitter, but has many porn pics.
    What can I do for solve this? or must begin with a new account?.

    Thanks for your response…

  3. Hi, Mr Adult Affiliate. Sorry for my previous post here. I do not use website link now. I do no want make any spam.

    But my previous question was real. I´m new in adult site world, I like so much your blog. Unfortunately I don´t know very much about how to earn cash with adult sites.

    But my question is the same. How can I begin to earn cash with a twitter account promoting webcam sites?

    Thanks in advance

    • Happy to meet you Verovvp.

      I think you should have an adult webcam site or an adult related site, where you will promote webcam sponsors directly. Do not promote your sponsors directly on the Twitter, post links to your site, so visitors come to your site and eventually click on the ads.

      If you have more questions, post them on the forum:

      Have a good day.

    • i hade made sales with twitter and i have been using it to drive traffic to webcam offers, but as soon as i built my own adult tube site and got some seo rankings, i stopped spending so much time on the social media because it isn’t as much effective as the organic traffic from your own site.

    • Honestly, I have tried every method, including automatically submitting watermark videos to tubes but it didn’t get me many sales. I have some videos with hundreds of thousands views, yet they make me about five to ten sales in a month.

      I also have got around 40k followers on Twitter and I get 1,000 clicks from it a day, but the conversion rate is very low.

      White labels are pretty much impossible to rank so what is the point of creating it? It may be useful if you have big sites that you could use to send visitors to it.

      What works best for me are my own video tube sites and affiliate cam sites build with the Robo plugin on WordPress.

      For tubes, I embed videos and change titles and after three months some of my sites get some nice traffic and it converts way better than Twitter or watermark videos’ traffic.

      But you can build any kind of site, a blog, a review site, if you work on the SEO, unique titles, some text, you will sure see the money rolling in.

      I see some new affiliates come and spam forums and different sites with their referral links and they think that they will make any serious money.

      You have to build your own site on the topics of cams and work on the content, it can be text posts, videos, chat rooms, anything that is good for visitors and unique.

      I think that affiliate cam websites are the greatest method of promotion. You don’t have to add models, because the plugin will populate your site with them frequently and they tend to rank well with not much work because live rooms keep people on the site.

    • It depends what you want to accomplish. White labels are good if you already have a website that gets traffic so you can use it to drive traffic to your white label because WL itself will not get any organic traffic because Google sees white labels as a classic example of duplicate content so they block such sites from their search results.

      But there are scripts or even plugins which you can use to populate your site with cam rooms and it works very similar to white labels but since you can add posts, edit titles, customize this site entirely, this kind of sites can rank and they do pretty great on Google.

      You can create such live webcam websites with ease on WordPress. Here is a guide which you can use if you are interested in setting up such a site:

    • it depends on what you mean by saying “works”. the white label can be a great tool if you know how to use it. many affiliates, especially new ones, do not use it for what it is meant to. white labels should be used for brands, so if you have a porn site like XVideos then you should create a white label on the domain like or something similar, to make it look like your brand.

      but most people create a white label on a strange name like and they don’t have the main site to rebrand it like in the example given above, then they will make less money than if they would send the traffic directly to the adult cam sponsors because people don’t want to trust unestablished sites.

      also white label never really ranked well and in recent years Google has made it almost impossible to rank such sites because they see it as a duplicate content so they don’t give it any recognition.

      i have seen very few white labels rank and if i have seen them, these were owned by big sites that obviously paid a lot of backlinks and they still only ranked for the keywords they had in the domain name. but it’s very hard to do if you are an average affiliate with not a big budget.

    • From an SEO point of view, it does not work at all. A few years ago you could get some rankings if you build backlinks but now Google bans white labels and it is not the time to build one and get blacklisted the other day.

      I have been building WordPress cam sites using different scripts (free and premium ones) and I also hired a developer to build a custom website for me and nothing beats these two ways of promotion.

      I can not blame Google for banning white labels since such websites are the exact copy of the original site so they have zero unique content and they usually look the same or very similar so search engines do not see a reason to give them any good rankings.

      That being said, feel free to build one if you have other adult websites that you can drive traffic from to this webcam whitelabel, if you do not have any then it is pointless to be fair.

  4. I wish I was making as much as some of you guys are making. You are doing very well. Now, I started promoting adult cams like two months ago and I am doing just a several bucks a day, ten dollars if I am lucky, but this article has helped me to get more traffic and since I have implemented some methods, I started getting results.

    I do get good traffic from Twitter, but it nowhere near as good as organic visitors that I get from Google to my webcam site.
    So work on the SEO and it will pay off later on.

    I was hardly getting any new sign ups and I made very little with the CB when I was only sending clicks from my Twitter accounts, but when my site started getting better rankings on the search engines, new sign ups began going through the roof.

  5. Watermarked videos can indeed bring lots of traffic and you don’t need a site for that. You just need a domain that will redirect to the cam affiliate program.

    I have promoted CB this way for over five months and my revenue is increasing.

    You will lots of good videos with the watermark of your domain and you will also need to add your domain into the titles.

    I have already three accounts, each one with at least 100 videos and as they get more views, I get more sign ups and more spenders.

    Next thing I will do is build a cam site with robo to add more sources of traffic and as I have read in this post, it’s a great product and it isn’t that expensive either.

    A friend of mine was using sexplugins before but he had only issues with it and the developer doesn’t provide any support even though it isn’t well coded and he only cares about your traffic that he skims without your consent which is very questionable and for this reason alone I won’t use it ever.

    Plus it doesn’t have any SEO features so it would be impossible to rank well a website build with this plugin.

    I am also thinking about trying to get some social media traffic.

  6. I think everyone has to find their own best way to promote cams. For me blogging and tubes, have been the most effective, you have to add lots of content, but after some time you build a community and google trusts you more and give you more and more traffic that is second to none. Social media or watermarked traffic is nowhere near as convertible as the organic one. I see some people using e whoring or chat spamming methods, but they are black hat related and not allowed by webcam or any affiliate programs since they are questionable and very hard to convert into a paying client.

  7. The one important thing that is often forgotten is that revshare program is always more profitable if you are promoting adult webcam offers.

    I have been monetizing pay per signup or pay per lead and revshare offers at the same time on the site and after a few months, revshare always brings way more revenue.

    You might get into some serious issues if you promote PPL program, because some sponsors might ban your account, if your referred users do not spend enough money.

    It kinda makes sense for them to do that, because otherwise they might end up losing money, because some people might just sign up and do not turn into paying clients.

    That is just another reason why revshare is best for webcams.

  8. Hey MrAdultAffilate

    Have you promoted LiveJasmin at all? What are they like for conversion and revenue? Is it a trusted program? I thought it would be better to promote LV as they allow for private shows. I mean, how do you blog about performers on chaturB if they don’t allow you to use their images etc? Thanks for any advice.

  9. I have just created my own tube site using a WP plug in. I got it from an online blogger. It is not creating much traffic since I have only used Twitter as my main form of marketing. I have another white label with chaturbate but it is not converting much since I did not put effort on watermarking videos and pictures. I think I still need to use this and exert effort. Try 5 videos a day and watermarking pics of 10 a day. My question is where to post these? Some porn uploading sites won’t accept watermarked videos and some won’t make it through. For the pictures, where will I submit it?

    I think the best way is to create a site or blog and post your sponsor ads for people to click it.

  10. Hi Mr Adult Affiliate,

    Thanks for the great content. Quite prolific. I am about to start a dedicated Cam and Tube site, i have the following questions.
    1. which theme do you prefer for WordPress tube site
    2. Which theme is the best for Robo plugin for cam site.

    Thanks a lot.

    • If you have some funds, I would suggest investing in the one that you like the most from XWPThemes. With the Robo, I always just use the default one and it has been working out well for me so far 🙂

  11. Hi Mr Adult Affiliate,

    Can you perhaps explain what the difference is between the 2 Robo scripts, The Cam Site Builder [CSB] – Regular and The Cam Site Builder Multisite [CSBMU].

          • I bought WP plugin and registered CB through your links. I am a noob and still trying to set up a WP site with Robo plugin. I registered a domain with Namecheap and bought EasyWP hosting but is having trouble to host it. The error was Site error: the ionCube PHP Loader needs to be installed. They said it cannot be installed on EasyWP and refunded me. Where do you suggest I go from here?

  12. I clicked on your link : I have two dedicated servers with M3Server and they host over 20 of my high traffic porn websites and I am going to order another server from these guys next week.

    I have partnered with M3Server to give you the best deal possible for all the readers of

    Now, if you click on this link now, you will save 80% on the first order and they will also give you a free domain name of your choice and daily backups. but got through to tmdhosting.
    Are they OK?

    • I am not doing this anymore so I can not tell you much more than JuicyAds and PlugRush are two best adult ad networks out there. With the paid traffic, you need to do lots of testing yourself, so you have to learn it yourself. These days I am only after SEO because it is something I have the most expertise on.

  13. I am having trouble activating my roboscript plugin. There is a “fatal error” saying I need ionCube PHP Loader. Is this fairly common? Is anyone else having this issue? What can I do to fix it?

    • You need to have it installed on your server since this plugin requires to have it. You can ask your hosting about it, if you have a managed plan if not then ask the Nick (Robo owner) and he will give you a guide.

  14. Hello Mr Adult Affiliate! I’m just in the process of setting up my first adult webcam site (after some delays with the SSL certificate), and having read your posts can you elaborate on what you mean when you say ‘write a blog?’, obviously I know what a blog is but what do you blog about for an adult site? Does it just have to be a load of erotica containing keywords? Or do you blog about site updates/the weather . Thank you in advance!

  15. I have recently completed a website with the live cam plug in and I love it. It generates every thing I need for the website and the auto twitter bot seems to help as well. My website OnlyCamsXXX and I have seemed to iron out all the kinks and it seems to be loading correctly. Trouble I have is generating traffic. How can I create organic or paid traffic flowing through my website? Does the auto posting generate SEO content to get my website better rankings? Anybody have any suggestions generating traffic?

  16. Hi,
    Not sure if this was already posted before but what do you think about Google Ads or Microsoft Ads? I don’t mind testing and setting up a budget. Does PPC from either giant work well in porn or cam sites?


  17. Please I am very new to chaturbate, I am done signing up to the affiliate program. How do I add the codes to my webpress website?

  18. Hi David,
    For search engine traffic, you said we should add some quality content to the websites.
    My question is what kind of content we will add? Only adult related topic or any kind of topic?

    • What are your main sources of traffic? I would suggest you to focus on the SEO and there is no limit as to how much visitors you can get and the best thing about it is that it is completely free but you need to invest your time into it first.


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